Hail and Welcome
Hail and Welcome to the electronic home of the Grove of Nova Scotia Druids. We are an ADF (Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship) based grove founded in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. We have been in operation since 2002. Our core beliefs are in honouring the Kindreds, serving the Family, Grove and Community, living a more naturally-balanced lifestyle, and above all that the Grove should be an extension of family.
As a spiritual practice, we follow the eight High Days of the pagan Calendar. Many of our rituals are open to the public, and those interested are welcome to attend. Please see our “Events” page for all upcoming rituals and events.
While each of our members has a different pantheon that they follow, the Grove itself is largely influenced by Celtic traditions and practices. That said, you may notice that deities incorporated into a particular ritual may differ depending on which Grove member is leading it.
Please enjoy all that we have present here, and should you have questions or wish to come and meet us, drop us a line through the “Contact Us” tab..
Many blessings,
Grove of Nova Scotia Druids